
Page 38 - January 1-14, 2025 Who’s News FULL SERVICE CAPABILITIES At MTech Mechanical, we o er comprehensive mechanical & plumbing services. We simplify the way that you do business! HVAC | Plumbing | Drains & Utilities Preventative Maintenance www. mtechg .com Patient Safety 4 IPUs 4 CEUs Minimizing HAI’s Cost Reduction Employee Safety Communication Compliance Why: THE SCIENCE BEHIND CONTAINMENT DESIGN Our self-paced online course offers essential training in infection risk control assessment (ICRA) and containment design. It is for infection preventionists, healthcare management professionals, and healthcare construction professionals. Online Course Sierra Penas joined Design Studio Blue. She will expand the firm’s art division with her passion for curating mean- ingful and transformative art experiences. Drawing on a rich creative b a c k g ro u n d , she blends her bachelor’s degree from the University of Nebraska and her previous career as an interior designer to support her exper- tise as an art consultant. She has curated and produced artwork for health care centers, senior living facilities, offices and com- mercial spaces. s Swinerton announced Execu- tive Vice President and National Director of Self-Perform Scott Conrad’s retire- ment, follow- ing 44 years of a successful and diverse career in construction and 13 years with Swiner- ton. Conrad’s impact on the built environment has been embedded in Colorado and across the United States. First joining Swinerton Builders’ Colorado office as division man- ager in 2011 and when promoted to region manager, he continued to solidify Swinerton’s market presence in Colorado, Texas and the Southeast, driving the estab- lishment of the Dallas and Char- lotte, North Carolina, offices. s The Common Sense Institute announced a major leadership change: After nearly 15 years of involvement with CSI, Kris- tin Strohm is stepping down as president and chief execu- tive officer, and Cinamon Watson will replace Strohm as CEO. Watson began her career researching, writing and devel- oping policy positions in Wash- ington, D.C. She has a rich back- ground in strategic communica- tions, political and policy insight, and management. Over the course of her career, Watson has sharpened her skills in the board room, on the campaign trail and in the halls of government. Her tenure with CSI began nearly a decade ago when she developed the organization’s strategic com- munications and public infra- structure. Communications for the organization have grown to include social media platforms, podcasts, video content, member- ship engagement and more than 1,800 annual earned media men- tions in local, state and national outlets. She has also played a sig- nificant role in the expansion of CSI research across the country. s Lee H. Freedman joined VF Law as of counsel in the firm’s Colorado office. Freedman has nearly 30 years of experience in community associa- tion law, insur- ance recovery, c o n s t ru c t i o n defect litigation, real estate and corporate trans- actions. Previously, he was a founding partner of WF Legal and prac- ticed in boutique law firms in California and Colorado, special- izing in community association law, alternative medicine law, and other corporate litigation, employment and transactional matters. Anative of Colorado, Freedman graduated from the University of Colorado with a Bachelor of Sci- ence in marketing and finance, and received his law degree from Gonzaga University School of Law in Spokane, Washington. In addition to being admitted to the California and Colorado Bars, Freedman is admitted to the United States District Court for the District of Colorado, and the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California. He is active in professional devel- opment with organizations such as the Community Association Institute (Colorado chapters) and the Colorado Legislative Action Committee, and he was appointed to the Colorado HOA Task Force. s Dormie Capital Partners pro- moted Collin Tedesco to senior investment analyst and Calvin Andrews to investment analyst. Since joining Dormie Capital, Tedesco has played a vital role in financial analysis, due diligence and market research over the pre- vious seven years. His ana- lytical skills and dedication have been instrumental in providing insight and analysis that adds value as the firm underwrites acquisition opportunities. Andrews will have expanded responsibilities in underwriting, market research and deal evalu- ation, to which he has contrib- uted greatly over his initial 2 ½ -year tenure at the firm. Also, Bran- don Sockwell joined the firm as director of acquisitions. He will oversee the sourcing of stra- tegic real estate investment and development opportunities while managing the execution projects. Sockwell brings a wealth of experience, having led commercial and residential development proj- ects across Colorado and spear- headed fundraising efforts for ventures both domestically and internationally. His professional journey includes nine years of service in the U.S. Army as a Green Beret, culminating his military career with the 10th Spe- cial Forces Group at Fort Carson in Colorado Springs. Before his transition to real estate, Sockwell held leadership roles in sales and operations at venture-backed technology startups in Austin, Texas. s Cinamon Watson Sierra Penas Scott Conrad Lee H. Freedman Collin Tedesco Calvin Andrews Brandon Sockwell