30 / BUILDING DIALOGUE / SEPTEMBER 2024 ELEMENTS Modular Architectural Considerations for Multifamily Modular M odular con- struction is still in its developmental stage compared to traditional site- built construction. As more manufac- turing plants open throughout the country, modular’s primary challeng- es – up-front costs, scale, scheduling and delivery cost to the project site – should resolve themselves. Many states, including Colorado, are now incentivizing modular man- ufacturing. Colorado’s Proposition 123 Modular Finance program provides economic stimulus to build modular facilities and help developers finance modular projects. Manufacturers in Colorado and points west are expand- ing and establishing new factories. One Proposition 123 beneficiary is Buena Vista-based modular manufacturer Fading West. Devoting almost two-thirds of a 31-year career to re- searching and implementing prefabricated modules and panels into almost all flavors of multifamily housing, my enthusiasm for the segment is at an all-time high. The in- dustry has never been more robust and is well positioned to serve people in a variety of living conditions. • Affordable housing: Build time and cost will continue to decrease as manufacturing competition and capabilities increase. • Missing middle: Modular construction is an emerging solution for market-responsive workforce housing, espe- cially in projects where rents can be minimized through micro-unit apartments. • Student housing: Studies show that students who live on campus have higher grade point averages and better mental health compared to off-campus dwellers. Modular construction gives college administrators increased op- tions for efficiently expanding student housing. Modular advantages n Quality. Automated assembly and repetition on a pro- duction line combined with inspection at each relevant step elevates quality control. Nothing goes unnoticed, and factory control mechanisms exceed those in traditional on- site construction. Further, thermal protection and acoustic separation are far superior. Each module receives 360 degrees of wrap. When modules are installed, they are effectively double insulated. One-inch airspace between modules further in- creases insulation and sound isolation. n Time. When the entire project team is in sync with the modular manufacturer, off-site construction can offer significant time savings. Assembly-line inspections ensure that construction complies with the job site’s building codes, simplifying the project’s permitting process. We esti- mate about a 30% time savings using modular technology. Simplistically, the on-site assembly process involves stitch- Doug Stockman, AIA Principal and Direc- tor of Architecture, Helix Architecture + Design Mike Sinclair The building’s concrete pedestal houses the lobby (with Lego-inspired art) and retail space. Community amenities are shared with an adjacent building. Mike Sinclair Stockman’s personal experience as design lead while working at El Dorado Inc. includes this 80-unit modular project with ground-lev- el retail. Modular construction was an ideal solution for the nar- row project site.