
INSIDE A thletes from all over the world are competing in the Olympics and Paralym- pics this year in Paris. And one day, though many are already household names, some of this year’s Olympians and Paralym- pians could be immortalized in the United States Olympic & Paralympic Museum. Energy modeling benefits of the U.S. Olympic & Paralympic Museum Many would recognize a photo of the USOPM’s iconic white, tiled exterior. What many people don’t know is that the museum was built to be energy-efficient and emit fewer greenhouse gas emissions than a typical building. The four-level museum opened in 2020 and is 64,000 square feet, includ- ing multiple exhib- it halls, a multime- dia theater, events space, administra- tion offices, café and retail areas, and it was inten- tionally built to be inclusive. The galleries are assembled along a viewing path that is Americans with Disabilities Act compliant and configured so that visitors enter the facility through the lobby, take an elevator to the top level, and then travel through the exhibit spaces in a counterclockwise spiral back to the main level. This eliminates the need for people to wait in line for an elevator to go between floors. People of all abilities can enjoy the museum together with this layout and not miss a part of the exhibit due to inaccessibility. Before the construction for the building began, our team performed energy modeling services to simu- late the energy use and cost of the entire building. Modeling also was used to provide a comparative anal- ysis of several design options, lead- ing to the implementation of some innovative energy-efficient environ- mental systems, including a high- efficiency chiller and boiler plant, high-efficiency heat-pump systems, high-performance windows and LED lighting. n Proposed vs. baseline. The annu- al energy use and energy cost for the baseline model are 6,091 metric million British thermal units and $84,409. The annual energy use and energy cost for the proposed model are 4,079 MMBtu and $63,220, for a net energy savings of 33% and ener- gy cost savings of 25%. Below sum- marizes the museum’s anticipated energy performance for each model. n Project financing. To assist this project dedicated to sustainability, the USOPM received $8.4 million in Colorado Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy financ- ing. C-PACE provides financing for energy efficiency, renewable energy and water-efficiency improvements, including new heating/cooling sys- tems, lighting, water pumps, insula- tion, and renewable energy projects Know the EUI prior to construction to meet ordinances, ratings requirements Office remodel Ask the right questions to get the best contractor for the job Snow removal PAGE 13 Focusing on strategic landscapes, Energize Denver, clean energy and AI BOMA Please see Monti, Page 22 July 2024 PAGES 18-21 PAGE 4 Lauren Monti Sustainability associate, Iconenergy Data-driven decisions from energy modeling