
46 / BUILDING DIALOGUE / JUNE 2024 / FreshLo / Beyond the three mentioned, more than 30 other funding part- ners are credited on MOC’s Fresh- Lo web page. Likewise, in getting it all done, following a collaborative impact model for decision-mak- ing, MOC prioritizes hometown relationships and strategic exper- tise over a streamlined organiza- tion chart. FreshLo’s organization chart would fill a banquet hall. “We partnered with two archi- tects, Roybal Corp. and Van Meter Williams Pollack, and two build- ers, Gilmore Construction and Alliance Construction Solutions, to form a well-rounded team,” says Garnett of MOC’s principled stewardship. Other key partners include FLO Development Services and tax credit consultant S.B. Clark Cos. “We’ll never make a profit, no matter what we develop. All the gains here will be for the people of Montbel- lo.” The task of attempting to meet the program’s many in- lets of interest fell to the double-sided design team led by Mike Roybal of the Roybal Corp. and Brett Jacques of VMWP. Roybal’s years of experience with Garnett on previous com- munity development efforts was complemented by VMWP’s acute affordable housing expertise. Sorting out MOC’s com- plicated community wish list into achievable chunks was the first order of business between the design practitioners. “The community was the primary focus here. In this case, community-driven meant working with dozens of local voices,” says Roybal of the intense collaboration with local owner-invested participants that come to the table as bank- ers, lawyers, nurses, artists and schoolteachers rather than design or construction professionals. “The original program tried to fit everything into one building, which just wasn’t feasible in the original budget