24 / BUILDING DIALOGUE / JUNE 2024 Most see a water tank. We see smiles at bathtime. ELEMENTS Acoustics Integrating Acoustics, Technology to Elevate Design C onstruction of a long-await- ed remodel of an iconic Den- ver area church kicked off this spring. Risen Christ Church, 3060 S. Mo- naco Parkway, was designed in the late 1960s by Denver architect James Sudler and Gio Ponti, a pair who also collab- orated on another prominent Denver landmark, the Martin Building at the Denver Art Museum. The remodel project addresses high-priority accessibility issues within the church’s unique and historic triangular geometry. The design team for the remodel is led by Ei- dos Architects, with Haselden Construction as the builder. Censeo AV+Acoustics provided acoustics and audio engi- neering services for the project, welcoming this unique opportunity to combine physics, acoustics, and technology engineering to modernize an architecturally and histori- cally important building. Risen Christ Church’s design is inspired by Le Corbusier, according to The Denver Catholic. Though distinctly beauti- ful, the shape and original interior layout presented multi- ple challenges related to accessibility, including acoustics. A major component of the remodel is the relocation of the musical ministry, previously only accessible via stair, to the main floor. The new location accommodates participation by all and includes the choir as part of the congregation, rather than the clergy. Our effort started with analysis. We documented the Todd Beiler, PE President, Censeo AV+Acoustics Eidos Numerous accessibility issues are addressed with the renovation in addition to the relocation of the music ministry, including new, wider pews, and improved ADA accessibility to the restrooms and confessionals.