INSIDE 12 6 FEATURED 14 CONTENTS MAY 1-14, 2024 Office 6 Industrial 8 Multifamily 12 Retail 14 Finance 20 Law & Accounting 24 CDE News 36 Who's News 46 8 by Avalon Jacka COLORADO SPRINGS – A self-managed and fully integrated self-storage com- pany acquired a self-storage facility in Southeast Colo- rado Springs. SmartStop Self Storage REIT Inc. purchased the AC Self Storage property at 3150 Boychuk Ave. in April for an undisclosed price. The seller was listed as AMS II Colo Spgs Investments LLC on El Paso County public records. The facility is SmartStop’s second in Colorado Springs, according to Smart Stop president Wayne Johnson. “This expansion under- scores our ongoing dedica- tion to offering well-main- tained solutions with valu- able amenities for our cus- tomers,” Johnson said. The 77,720-square-foot facility is comprised of 16 single-story buildings with 486 non-climate-controlled units and drive-up access, as well as a two-story leas- ing office with a retail dis- play and 30 climate-con- trolled, single-tenant office suites. The property offers 24-hour video surveillance, perimeter fencing, premium elevated signage, high door units, wide drive aisles, 105 parking spaces, and expan- sion potential. Built in 2002, the facility is situated across from a retail center that is home to a bank, grocery story and multiple dining establishments and is within a 10-minute drive to the Colorado Springs Municipal Airport. The property is located within dense 3- and 5-mile popu- lations with above-average household incomes. Fort Carson and Peterson Space Force Base, which include approximately 45,000 mili- tary personnel, are located within 5 miles of the facility. The location serves South- SmartStop Self Storage buys 2nd facility by Avalon Jacka Insignia International – the parent company of 505 Southwestern, La Tortilla Factory, Yucatan Guacamole and other Hispanic brands – will build the food hall development, pending final approval from the Arapa- hoe County Public Airport Authority and other approv- als. The company hopes to break ground later this year. “We’re so excited to be working with Centennial Airport and Wings Over the Rockies to build a facility that will truly be ground- breaking,” Insignia CEO Adam Butler said. “We welcome the community to experience the incred- ible Southwestern and His- panic flavors that Insignia stands for, like Hatch Valley green chile, while enjoying an immersive experience in aviation.” The new development will be built adjacent to and in conjunction with Wings Over the Rockies – Exploration of Flight. The 30,000-square-foot facility will include an après ski- themed food hall, tequila bar, outdoor entertainment and live music space, edu- cational space, and a tele- vision production studio. Insignia will move its cor- porate headquarters from Greenwood Village to the development. The food hall will offer pre- mium food choices ranging across multiple food genres, showcasing the “full versa- tility that Hispanic flavors and flavors of the southwest bring to any dish,” a state- ment from Insignia said. The facility will provide panoramic views of the air- port, runway and the Rocky Mountains. “Our ‘Exploration of Flight’ campus at Centen- nial Airport features avia- tion-focused showcases for patrons of all ages so they can get up-close and per- sonal with unique aircraft and meet the pilots who fly them, in addition to hav- ing education-focused pro- gramming and exhibits for Insignia announces headquarters move The self-storage facility at 3150 Boychuk Ave. features 16 single-story buildings and a two-story leasing office. Please see SmartStop, Page 10 Please see Insignia, Page 16 The new 30,000-square-foot facility will house Insignia International’s corporate headquarters, as well as a food hall, tequila bar, a television production studio and entertainment, live music and educa- tional space. A pair of deals Unique Properties brokers two office deals in Denver metro area Space manufacturing Spectrum AMT expands operations with purchase of second building Tower trades hands Ulysses Development buys 14-story Columbine Towers for $34 million Bocce and golf in one Lob opens first U.S. location in downtown Denver