Page 10 - January 3-16, 2024 Let’s connect Call 303.802.8918 or email us at . The bank t ha t g r ows w i t h you We’re more than a bank; we’re an advocate for your vision during challenging times. Paci c Western Bank is committed to serving Colorado with our customized lending solutions, deposit products and treasury management services. Paci c Western Bank is a bank you can trust to meet all your nancial needs. Paci c Western Bank is an equal opportunity lender. This is not a commitment to lend. All o ers of credit are subject to credit approval. er, and Jeff Brandon represent- ed the buyer. Both brokers are part of the NavPoint team. The property is comprised of four com- mercially zoned parcels. Two of the parcels are fenced outdoor storage, and two parcels have buildings that total just under 12,000 square feet. Situ- ated north of Wolfensberger Road, the property affords quick access to Castle Rock and the Interstate 25 corridor. n DENVER – A 2.08-acre industrial property near the intersection of Interstates 70 and 225 has traded hands in an off- market transaction. Dalco Industries Inc. pur- chased the property at 3730 Salem St. for $3 million from 737 Co. The property features a 9,863- sf building, a rail spur and heavy cranes. The transaction was initiated as a tenant buy without represen- tation, but both sides decided to obtain real estate represen- tation. Brian Baker and Bob Pipkin of Fuller Real Estate r e p r e s e n t e d the buyer. Tyler Reed of Stream Real Estate represented the seller. Dalco Indus- tries, the for- mer tenant of the property, was founded in Denver in 1956. The company is a material supplier for rebar and concrete products and is a major supplier to the Colorado Department of Transportation, RTD light rail and Denver Inter- national Airport. The original owners sold the business to the employees years ago, but the real estate remained under control of the family. With the sale, Dalco Industries’ employees now also own the real estate of the busi- ness. n GOLDEN – A 11,340-sf industrial building with a yard near the intersection of Interstate 70 and Colorado Highway 58 has sold for $2.7 million. Baystone LLC sold the 1.04- acre property at 13280 W. 43rd Drive to buyer 13280 W. 43rd LLC in Decem- ber. Tanner Digby of Digby C o m m e r c i a l Advisors rep- resented the buyer, and Brett MacDou- gall and Mike Desantis of Unique Properties Inc./TCN Worldwide represent- ed the seller. The buyer, formerly the tenant of the property, will continue to operate its business, Ted’s Sheds Colorado, at the location. n COLORADO SPRINGS – A 1.5-acre property in northeast Colorado Springs has sold for $842,500. GF Buchanan LLC purchased the property from Nicholas J. Barrett, Trustee of Maria R. Bar- rett Revocable Trust. The indus- trial property at 118 Buchanan St. includes a 3,208-sf building built in 1965. Andrew Oyler of Quantum Commercial Group Inc. represented the seller. Scott McLean of Development Advi- sors represented the buyer. n LOUISVILLE – A 1.22-acre lot in the Colorado Tech Center sold for an undisclosed price. An undisclosed buyer pur- chased the undeveloped parcel at 380 S. Taylor Ave. with plans to develop the land for its busi- ness use. Levi Saxen of Pinnacle Real Estate Advisors LLC represented the undisclosed seller. “We were pleased to assist our seller in finding a buyer who was able to transact quickly on this developable lot in the Colorado Technology Center,” said Saxen. “We were able to obtain attrac- tive seller financing terms for a portion of the sales price, result- ing in higher net proceeds for our seller and flexibility for the buyer.” n METRO DENVER – Gruber Commercial Real Estate facili- tated several deals in the Denver metro area. Osage Studios LLC purchased a 10,300-sf industrial building with a fenced yard at 1305 Osage St. in Denver. The final sales price was $2.13 million. Mike Viehm- ann and Mike Wafer Jr. of New- mark represented the seller, GSW Ventures LLC. Russell Gruber of Gruber Commercial represented the buyer in the transaction. ZTrip leased an entire, 13,893- sf industrial building at 1001 W. 42nd Ave. in Denver. ZTrip is a national on-demand ride-hailing app that has partnered with RTD. Gruber represented the landlord, Nanette Martinez. Matt Nora of Lee & Associates represented the tenant. ZTL Partners leased 5,000 sf of office and warehouse space at 16700 E. Second Ave. in Auro- ra. The property features dock- high loading and a front-park/ rear-load design, according to a marketing brochure. Gruber and Mike Wafer of Gruber Com- mercial represented the land- lord, Judco Properties, while the tenant was unrepresented. ZTL Partners provides services for commercial, residential, mul- tifamily and government prop- erties, including painting, roof- ing, flooring, landscaping, gen- eral contracting, snow manage- ment, janitorial services, resident screening and more. Tankhead leased 3,200 sf of warehouse space at 1344 W. Cedar Ave. in Denver. Tankhead is a boxing gym offering classes in Muay Thai, mixed martial arts and self-defense. Steve Fletcher of Gruber Commercial executed the lease on behalf of the land- lord, Acquisition & Develop- ment LLC. The tenant was not represented. n COLORADO SPRINGS – An auto body shop has leased 3,706 sf of industrial in the Knob Hill neighborhood. Mile High Collision LLC leased the space at 317 Swope Ave. from Sweet Pea 317 LLC. Taylor Roy of Malman Commercial Real Estate represented the tenant. John Benson of NAI Highland represented the landlord. n ENGLEWOOD – A Colora- do- and Florida-based designer, manufacturer and global dis- tributor of industrial evaporation equipment has leased industrial space adjacent to Broken Tee Golf Course. Evaporation King LLC leased the 1,800-sf space at 2307 W. Oxford Ave. from Rental Enter- prises LLC. Brad Gilpin at Unique Properties Inc./TCN Worldwide represented the tenant. Corey Murray of SVN | Denver Com- mercial represented the landlord. Evaporation King’s proprietary line of evaporation equipment is used in the mining, energy, food and beverage, bioscience and pharma, textile and waste management industries, accord- ing to its website. The company produces various models for high- and lower-volume applica- tions. s Dalco Continued from Page 8 Brian Baker Bob Pipkin Tanner Digby Jeff Brandon