
Page 20 — Property Management Quarterly — January 2024 Associations: BOMA W elcome to the New Year! 2024 is already developing into another challenging year both nationally and locally. World events are in turmoil, economies are being challenged, social opinions and beliefs are strained and on top of it all we are entering into a major election year. With all that in mind, deciding on a Denver Metro BOMA theme for 2024 was no easy challenge. The discussion circling diversity, equity and inclusion is an important topic and is to be both welcomed and valued at so many levels in our culture and business lives. That said, I believe that global, national and local issues can often focus on the differences in each group or individual, creating ten- sion and division versus focusing on and championing the strengths of each for the greater good. This year, it is time to diversify and engage our strengths. Life in itself brings challenges and opportunities regardless of one’s back- ground and experiences both person- ally and professionally. In tandem, they develop a person’s skills, perspectives, and strengths. The combination and collaboration of individuals offers a diversification of skills and knowledge. Too often, people believe that they don’t have anything to bring to the table. They assume they are either too old, too young, have too much experi- ence, have too little experience, or not the right experience and then just sit on the sidelines. They may participate from time to time in social events, but are either afraid or unwilling for what- ever reason to step into the ring and get engaged. We as an industry have a lot to work through in 2024 and it will take great effort and the involvement of many, not a few. There- fore, we all need to come together and engage our diversified strengths and perspectives in order to accomplish the tasks and challenges ahead. As we move through 2024 where there are likely to be loud, distract- ing and polarizing events, my goal for Denver Metro BOMA is to focus on our diversified strengths and experiences as an organization in order to proac- tively face the impact of national and local challenges together while wel- coming engagement at all levels by our membership. We need to continue the momentum of Denver Metro BOMA’s efforts to grow and support valued workforce and workplace development. We need to diversify our membership and focus beyond office properties in order to bridge relationships and develop support for industrial, medical office and retail real estate. We need a continued focus and support of policies “not politics” which provide a balance between a healthy commercial real estate industry and a positive impact on our environment, society and local economies. Through the efforts of the Public Policy Committee, the BOMA Colorado PAC, the Denver Metro BOMA Advocacy Fund, and the BOMA Inter- national efforts, we are at the table having conversations with policymak- ers. Through this engagement, BOMA members and the industry achieved wins in 2023 which we expect to carry into 2024 including continued engage- ment with Mayor Mike Johnston on the challenges surrounding safety and homelessness, engaging in the prop- erty tax debate, understanding how we as an industry can encourage and sup- port return to work efforts and higher occupancies in a challenging market and working with the Colorado Energy Office on the 2.0 Green House Gas Roadmap. The synergy of diverse experiences, backgrounds and knowledge can usher in great momentum and strength to an organization. Therefore, I encourage you to step into your diverse strengths and unique experiences and support the efforts of Denver Metro BOMA in one way or another. Attend a seminar or coffee chat, join a committee and communicate the value of the efforts and successes of BOMA to your own- ers, asset managers and investors. Ensure that your building is a BOMA member and engage your team. If you manage industrial, medical office or retail assets, reach out to BOMA lead- ership to help initiate a catalyst for support and growth discussions. We all bring value and strength, regardless of our time and position in the industry. Believe me…the return on your effort and engagement with BOMA will pro- vide valuable benefits. In closing, I am honored and hum- bled to represent Denver Metro BOMA in 2024 as your President. Putting words into action, I am stepping for- ward to engage my strengths and per- spectives as well. I am grateful for the opportunity to work with a wide range of industry professionals in the coming year. However, it is only by us all work- ing together and jumping into the ring that we can bring value, balance and new perspectives to the challenges we face. Thank you in advance for your sup- port and for seeing 2024 as the time to step forward with BOMA and to engage your diversified strengths. s Step Forward with BOMA – It’s Time to Diversify and Engage Our Strengths Ashton Steele 2024 Denver Metro BOMA President, General Manager Brookfield Properties