
40 / BUILDING DIALOGUE / DECEMBER 2023 ELEMENTS Restaurants Crafting Culinary Experiences: Lessons in F&B Construction F rom Hop Alley in River North and s ắ p s ử a on East Colfax to Ay Papi and Chez Roc in Cher- ry Creek’s Clayton Ho- tel and Members Club, some of Denver’s hot- test bars and restau- rants promise Denver diners a completely unique experience. In an industry pow- ered by creating mem- orable experiences, having a construction partner who under- stands what it takes to create an unforget- table dining environ- ment as quickly and efficiently as possible is crucial. Drawing from our growing experience in the hospitali- ty sector, here is a look at some of the essential consid- erations for restaurant construction and design in our market – and the common pitfalls owner-operators can avoid. n Early coordination and planning for success. Even with the best construction team, factors beyond our con- trol can impact project timelines. For instance, Denver’s now infamous permitting delays and specialized equip- ment delivery schedules can influence the construction process. One of the most common missteps we typically see among restaurant owners is underestimating con- struction timelines. With the best of intentions, they wanted to be up and running yesterday. This is precisely where a well-organized general contractor becomes in- dispensable. From the project’s inception, our proactive approach involves close collaboration with restaurant owners, op- erators, developers, architects and our team. By setting realistic expectations and identifying opportunities for efficiency early on, we keep projects on budget and on schedule. Take the Hop Alley expansion project, for example; a well-established restaurant expanding into a neighbor- ing space required strategic planning and coordination to minimize the impact on the restaurant and reduce downtime. It was essential to create a seamless transi- tion between the two spaces and to take advantage of the opportunity for improvements and repairs in the ex- isting restaurant. n Understanding unique food and beverage pain points. Success in the restaurant industry requires over- coming numerous challenges, from sourcing quality ingredients and managing staff to creating an enticing menu. However, the tight margins restaurants operate within are perhaps the most formidable obstacle. Every inefficiency can erode profits, and the timeline to open is often paramount to hitting goals. With the right con- struction partner, timelines can be honored and floor plans can be optimized to better satisfy the bottom line. To assist our restaurant owner-operator clients in op- timizing their operations, there are a number of ways a good GC can help – from effectively navigating of- ten-complex and ever-changing health and safety regu- lations directly linked to necessary permits and licens- ing to timing the delivery of custom kitchen equipment, an industry-savvy GC can often be the key ingredient to ensure a timely opening – no one wants to be waiting on the imported pizza oven to receive those final sign-offs. A well-attuned GC can also be a strategic partner for the project team, advising on construction adjustments to maximize revenue through space planning and pro- gramming. Offering ways to increase seating capacity, for example, while maintaining smooth service flow, can provide long-term gains for an operator. For instance, in Ay Papi, we collaborated with the design and ownership team to devise layout alternatives that allowed for more tables on the patio without compromising the guest ex- perience. n Maximizing the customer experience. Diners today are looking for more than just a good meal; they want an unforgettable experience. This applies not only to the cuisine but to the ambiance. You cannot underestimate Nick Groeger Principal, Taurus Builders David Ellena Principal, Taurus Builders Muntz Studios Cherry Creek’s Ay Papi offers diners a unique experience.