
SEPTEMBER 2023 / BUILDING DIALOGUE / 73 H ow do you ensure a mod- ern building in a histor- ic neighborhood honors the past, embraces its community and incorpo- rates local artistic elements into its design? The Opus Group embarked on that journey starting in 2019, with our Kalaco multifamily development in the heart of the La Alma Lincoln Park neighborhood in Denver. Kala- co is positioned at the gateway to the Art District on Santa Fe on the corner of Colfax and Kalamath, one of the most important intersections in the city. It’s where Denver’s diverse cultural history took root and still flourishes today. It was important for Opus to create a project that will have a positive impact on the local community. Opus spent six months talking with neighbors and the La Alma Lincoln Park Neighborhood Association, working through our plans well before seeking approv- als with the city. While this added to the project time- line, it resulted in a building that reflects the neighbor- hood, its history and the importance of art and culture in one of Denver’s oldest residential areas. In the 1960s and 1970s the community was the cen- ter of the Chicano movement in Denver. In 2021, Denver City Council designated La Alma Lincoln Park a Historic Cultural District. Well known for its Hispanic and Lati- no heritage, arts and culture play an oversized role in the community. The Art District on Santa Fe is a key part of its identity, with more than 70 art galleries, stu- dios and other creative businesses. Historic murals and street art can be found throughout the neighborhood. Opus is incorporating art and historical references into Kalaco in multiple ways. First, we worked with the Art District on Santa Fe to select artist John Droplitz to create a mural representing the heritage of the area on the alley walls that face the neighborhood. We are also working with Metropolitan State University and local nonprofits on a main floor art gallery with rotating dis- plays from local artists. In addition, Kalaco will feature outdoor sculptures on the street level, a reflection of the street art that is found in the district. Elements on the exterior of the building also contain important cultural references. Butterflies are an espe- cially important symbol in Mexican culture and in Chi- cano roots. Kalaco features a butterfly motif wrapping part of its exterior. In addition, vertical panels of glass on the windows over the lobby are turned on 45-degree angles to create a diamond pattern and incorporate colors that tie into the overall bright and bold color scheme. The character of the neighborhood was also a driving Eric Chamberlin Director of Real Estate Development, The Opus Group A Chicano La Alma vision board from artist John Droplitz, who will be painting a large mural at Kalaco. He said, “Chicano culture is one of bold color, hard work, beautiful artistry and strong commu- nity values.” Developing Buildings and Community in La Alma Lincoln Park