70 / BUILDING DIALOGUE / JUNE 2023 Water R The Windi Venice Architec J ust like a river charting its natural course journey to the ocean, navigating our team’s journey to the 2023 Venice Architectural Biennale has had its own meandering twists and turns as well. It started with an invitation to participate in the Venice Architectural Biennale in 2020. We were told at the time that the committee had often heard from architects from the Unites States’ coasts, but that in their research they discovered us and were interested in hearing from the middle of the coun- try and the perspec- tive a Colorado firm would bring. We were honored and designed an instal- lation bringing the Rocky Mountain perspective of rebirth and empathy informed by recent 100- John Rowland, AIA Founding Principal, Rowland+Broughton Architecture/ Urban Design/ Interior Design